A man explains a 信用卡 transaction to a teen.

How to build credit for teens

考虑一下这些建议,帮助你的孩子用自己的积蓄开个好头, secured 信用卡 and more.

Building a credit history can take time, 信贷可能需要实现一些财务里程碑,比如 purchasing a car or a place to live. 这里有一些建议可以帮助他们开始他们的信贷之旅.

Teach your teen about basic financial concepts

在你的孩子准备好自己出去之前,有一些有用的理财习惯和观念可能会派上用场. 这里有一些建议,可以帮助他们在财务上负责任,并了解银行是如何运作的, payments and credit work, in addition to contributing to their credit history.

Educate about credit basics

Having your teen understand what credit is and how it works,以及正确使用信用卡的重要性,当他们有自己的信用卡时,会有所帮助.

Consider authorized users on your 信用卡

Only legal adults that are 18 years or older can apply for a 信用卡. 将你的孩子添加为你自己信用卡的授权用户可能是他们了解信用卡如何运作以及如何负责任地使用它的一种方式. 除了, this could help them build their credit history. 你可以和你的孩子签订一份协议,表明他们有责任为他们购买的东西买单,并帮助他们了解什么时候该付款.

Open a 检查 or 储蓄 account

Responsibly managing and maintaining a 检查 或者储蓄账户可以向金融机构表明你的孩子可以处理金钱. If the account comes with a debit card, your teen can gain experience using the card for transactions.


找一份兼职工作可能是一个很好的练习,可以帮助你的孩子理解钱的价值. 这也会让他们有机会养成或继续……的习惯 攒钱. 除了, 这是一个很好的方式,让你的孩子能够用安全的信用卡或学生信用卡支付信用卡, if they have one.

Pay bills 准时

如果你的大一点的孩子有账单在他或她的名字上,教他们是非常重要的 pay their bills 准时. 这种习惯不仅可以帮助他们建立信用,还可以帮助他们避免因逾期付款而产生昂贵的费用.

More ways to build credit


Obtain a secured 信用卡

A secured 信用卡 may be a good option for your teen. 这是一种以现金存款作为抵押的信用卡,以防持卡人无法付款.

The card can be put in your teen's name, and you can make the initial deposit together, which will be the credit limit for the account. 然后他们可以用这张卡来证明他们可以支付费用, and payments made 准时.

监控你的孩子的活动,因为他们养成了信用习惯, allowing more flexibility as responsibility is demonstrated. 一旦几个月的购物和付款在你的孩子的腰带下,访问他们的 credit report and review it together to make sure everything is correct.

Explore student 信用卡s

这些卡是为大学生设计的,可以帮助青少年或年轻人在负责任地使用时建立信用. 学生信用卡通常有较少的申请要求, 有较低的信用额度,并可能奖励良好的行为,如取得好成绩. 这种类型的卡可以是一个很好的选择,当你的年龄较大的青少年建立信用记录.

Look into a credit-builder loan

A credit-builder loan is designed to help you strictly build credit. 这种类型的贷款,金融实体不支付贷款给借款人. 资金存在定期存单或有担保的储蓄账户中, and the loan will usually have an interest rate. Monthly payments are made until the loan is paid off. 在贷款期限结束时,这笔钱会返还给借款人——在某些情况下, it may include a portion of the interest.

For the life of the loan, 银行或金融机构将向信用报告机构报告付款历史,这可能会对个人有所帮助, in this case a teen, build a credit history. 这不仅是一个建立信用的好方法,而且还能创造一些储蓄.

Consider student loans

如果你的孩子决定申请学生贷款来支付大学学费, it may have a positive effect on their credit report. Many student loans are deferred, 但任何对贷款的支付都可能有助于创造一个积极的支付历史. It is a good idea to explore other ways to pay for college before your child decides to commit to a student loan.

Teaching your teen early about good financial habits and money management tips may help them stay on course to financial responsibility. 除了, feel free to reach out to a 国营农场® 代理 if you want to learn more about car insurance for teens, 避开® 储蓄 or renters insurance.

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