How to rebuild credit
采取必要的措施来成功地提高你的信用评分. See ways to do it here.
提高你的信用评分是可能的,你可以重建一个糟糕的信用记录. 了解你的信用评分可以帮助你了解如何重建它.
Rebuilding credit
- Check your credit card account online regularly. 仔细检查你的购买,以确保它们被准确地收费,因为错误是可能发生的. If you see a late fee from your last payment, make sure you find out why and pay before it's 30 days late.
- Pay your bills on time to have a positive impact on your credit report, since bills over 30 days late will appear on your report. Payment history is the biggest factor of your credit score. 逾期付款可以保留在你的报告从原来的拖欠7年. If you begin paying on time now and stay current, 随着时间的推移,你过去的逾期付款对你的分数的影响会越来越小,有一天会下降.
- Keep your credit utilization below 30%. 信用利用率是仅次于付款历史的第二重要因素. 信贷利用率是你可用的循环信贷和你的循环信贷余额之间的关系. 循环信贷包括像你的信用卡一样的循环贷款,不包括非循环贷款,比如你的抵押贷款或汽车贷款. And if you can keep your credit utilization at 10% or below, that will be even better for your credit score.
- 要知道,破产会在你的信用报告上保留10年. 不要让它阻止你建立自己的信用:随着时间的推移,影响会逐渐减弱. 继续按时付款,保持低信用使用率.
- Add a monthly recurring charge (cell phone bill, gym membership, etc.) to keep old credit cards active. 这可以帮助您保持较低的信用利用率,因为您使用的可用信用较少.
- Secured credit cards 如果你的信用评分不允许你使用普通(无担保)信用卡,你还有选择吗, 如果你没有任何信用记录,想安全地建立它, 或者如果你想限制你卡上的消费额度. 这些信用卡不同于普通的(无担保的)信用卡,因为它们需要你存入一笔存款才能获得信贷额度. The line of credit is generally equal to your deposit. 如果你无力还款,信贷发行机构就可以用这笔存款作为抵押.
- Becoming an authorized user on a credit card can be a great way to improve credit score. 授权用户是添加到主持卡人的信用卡帐户中的人. 被授权的用户可以使用主持卡人的卡,也可以有自己的卡片,上面有他们的名字. If the primary cardholder makes their payments on time, their payment history can have a positive impact on your credit. However, if they don't make their payments on time, you may want to reconsider being added to their card, as the late payments can have a negative impact on your credit.
How long does it take to rebuild credit?
- 改善的时间长短取决于你的信用报告. If you have a lower credit score or no credit history, 你可能会在几个账单周期内看到改善,只要按时偿还贷款和/或信用卡,降低你的信用利用率.
- Communicate with institutions and lenders if you are having difficulty paying your bills. They will generally work with you. 如果贷款人能够从你的报告中删除任何负面的历史, 当你继续按时支付账单时,你会看到显著的改善.
Annual credit report
当你要求信用报告时,确保报告上的一切都是正确的. If you need to, 你的信用报告中有关于如何对虚假信息进行争议的说明. 这一点很重要,因为报告中的所有信息都决定了你的分数. 删除不正确的信息可能会导致分数迅速上升. Other things to keep in mind about your credit report are:
- 允许您每12个月从每个信用机构提取一份信用报告(专业提示:而不是每12个月提取全部三份, pull one bureau every four months).
- Credit repair companies can pull your credit to help, but in reality, you can repair things yourself without the added expense.
- Save credit reports for your own records.
Build a plan for how to fix your credit
There are five factors that impact your credit score, 它们如何与你的日常财务决策相互作用,对于了解你现在可以采取什么行动来开始重建信用非常重要. Some steps to take are:
- 看看你的信用报告,找出你的挫折发生在哪里——比如信用卡余额高, missed payments or too many open accounts.
- 把过去发生的事情的知识转化为今天改进的行动.
- Begin making decisions to establish and improve your credit.
Your checklist:
- Download the Credit myths: Discredited worksheet.
- Check your credit score.