



电力的意义远不止于不断增加的各种便利. 雷电和电涌的危险是真实存在的. For example, a sudden electrical surge could silently damage many of your appliances. 电弧故障可能引发电气火灾——事实上,电是最重要的 家庭火灾的第三大原因 每年.

或者闪电会击中你的家,造成大范围的破坏. Lightning is the most dangerous and frequently-encountered weather hazard that most people experience each year, 根据国家强风暴实验室. So take time to review some steps you can take to help protect yourself and your property.



An electrical surge is a sudden increase in voltage that can damage your home's electrical components. 浪涌可能发生在:

  • 你的电力公司将电力从电网的一个区域切换到另一个区域.
  • Air conditioning units, furnaces, refrigerators or vacuum cleaners turn on or off.
  • 电力线路彼此相连.
  • 附近有雷击.

浪涌可以沿着电源、电话和有线电视线路传播. 当有浪涌时, 未受保护的电子产品和电器可能会损坏. 随着时间的推移,损坏会逐渐增加,直到设备组件失效. 正确安装防雷装置(spd), 结合良好的接地系统, should help protect your electronics and appliances from all but the most severe electrical surges. An SPD diverts the surge to the ground around your home, w在这里 the surge dissipates. 这就是为什么良好的接地系统对防雷很重要.


  • 步骤1: Consider asking a qualified electrician to check your home's grounding system to help ensure it's in working order.
  • 步骤2: 把你的电子产品和电器插到使用点spd上. Use single-port SPDs for appliances that only have a power cord and multi-port SPDs for appliances that have antenna, 电缆, 电话线和电源线.
  • 步骤3: Consider installing a whole-house surge protection system to absorb larger surges that come from outside your home. This device can be installed on the electrical meter by the utility company, 或者由电工放在电气服务面板旁边.


当闪电袭来, the resulting electrical surge can travel through utility transmission lines to nearby homes. And, of course, a direct lightning strike on your home can cause serious damage. 但是如果你 家里有防雷系统, a surge caused by lightning may more often be safely deflected into the ground. 防雷系统不是用来防止雷击的. Its purpose is to provide a safe path on which the current can be safely directed to the ground.

请记住,这不是一个自己动手的项目. Only experienced and reputable lightning protection contractors listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed and certified by 防雷学会 (LPI) should install these systems. Qualified specialists use UL-listed materials and ensure that methods of installation comply with nationally recognized safety standards of LPI, UL和美国国家消防协会(NFPA).


  • 空气终端: 也被称为避雷针, these inconspicuous copper or aluminum rods are vertically mounted on the roof at regular intervals. 的 air terminals serve as strike receptors, designed to intercept the lightning strike.
  • 主要导体: 由铝或铜制成的, these braided 电缆s connect the air terminals to the other system components and the grounds.
  • 理由: 至少有两根接地棒, 所有结构都需要在地下至少10英尺深的地方进行掘进. 接地端子将危险电流引入地面, 消除对结构造成伤害或损坏的机会.
  • 债券: Bonding joins metallic bodies (roof components) and grounded building systems to the main conductor to ensure conductivity and prevent side flashing (lightning jumping between two objects).
  • 避雷器和抑制器: A surge is an increase in electrical current due to a lightning strike on or near a power line or utility service. Surge suppression is installed at the electrical panel(s) to prevent the entrance of overvoltages which can cause a fire. Arresters installed at electrical panels help protect heavy appliances and prevent fires at service panel entrances. 可能需要额外的设备来保护其他内部电子设备. Surge protection devices are typically installed in conjunction with a lightning protection system.
  • 树保护:防雷学会 recommends that any tree taller than a home or within 10 feet of the structure be equipped with a lightning protection system. Trees do not offer protection and many homeowners choose to have trees protected for their own value. An unprotected tree in close proximity to a structure can also create a side-flash hazard to the nearby home.

这些系统应由工程师设计和安装 合格的防雷系统承包商.


立即寻找避风处. 封闭的建筑提供最好的保护. If t在这里 are no sturdy buildings nearby, get into a 车辆 and close the windows.

  • 远离电线杆、高塔、孤立的树木或水体.
  • 除非紧急情况,否则不要使用有线电话. 使用无绳电话和移动电话是安全的.
  • Keep away from electrical appliances, TVs, fireplaces, metal objects, windows or doors.
  • If someone has been struck by lightning, call 9-1-1 or your local ambulance service. 如果你有资格,就进行急救. Lightning victims are safe to touch and need medical attention immediately.

有关如何保护您的家人和家园的更多信息, 或者找一份认证的专业人员名单, 请与 防雷学会 or pp王者电子官网商实验室.

的 information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.




T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



When severe weather looms, see that your home or small business is prepared for a power failure.


制定家庭火灾疏散计划,以便在发生火灾时更好地做好准备. Teach your kids how to avoid smoke inhalation, escape to safety and understand fire hazards.


Know what to do in order to avoid injury and property damage when lightning strikes.


一个看不见的罪魁祸首可能正在损害你的设备. 学习如何保护你的财产.