

Here's how to cleanup and help prevent mold in your house.

Mold is a naturally occurring fungus that is plays a vital role in nature by breaking down organic matter. 然而, 在你的家里,霉菌不仅不美观, it can also be a health hazard to you and your family. Not only can mold cause allergic reactions, it can also cause asthma attacks in some people. These dangers make it important to take immediate action to fix the problem if you spot mold growing anyw在这里 in your home. Fixing the problem means removing the mold and changing the environment that allowed the mold to grow in the first place.


Mold is easily identified by its growth and discoloration along surfaces. Mold is usually fuzzy or hairy and comes in a variety of darker colors, like green or even black. If the growth appears white or powdery gray and grows in a flat pattern, it is likely mildew and can be cleaned up by vigorous scrubbing.

专家认为可能有 30万种模具 and the most common indoor molds are Cladosporium, Penicillium and Aspergillus. No matter what type of mold you have, you should take steps to eliminate it.


Mold likes environments with a lot of moisture and grows well on a variety of surfaces like cardboard, 天花板, 地毯和干墙. Mold growth can be caused by areas of moisture around sinks, 浴缸, 淋浴, 靠近漏水的管道, 在窗户, 在地下室, 爬行空间和阁楼.


The CDC says that some common symptoms of mold exposure are:

  • 鼻塞
  • 喘息
  • 眼睛或皮肤发红或发痒
  • 哮喘发作


Mold growth in a home indicates t在这里 is a moisture problem and your first step should be to 解决潮湿问题. 这意味着修复任何泄漏,并获得 湿度越低越好 使用空调或除湿机. Properly ventilating the area with exhaust fans will also help.

After fixing the moisture problem, you should remove all moldy items from your house. If mold is growing on carpet, drywall or 天花板, the only solution is removal and replacement.

You can remove mold from hard surfaces by scrubbing it with commercial products, 肥皂和水, vinegar or a bleach solution of no more than 1 cup (8 ounces) of bleach in 1 gallon of water. Never mix bleach with ammonia or other household cleaners.

If the area is too large for you to clean yourself, you should contact a professional who has experience in cleaning mold.


You should take steps to protect yourself while cleaning mold. 适当的安全设备包括:

  • 掩码: An N-95 respirator mask will limit your exposure to airborne mold.
  • 手套: Long gloves are recommended, and make sure they will withstand the chemical you are using.
  • 眼镜: To avoid getting mold or mold spores in your eyes, wear goggles that do not have ventilation holes.


把房子里的霉菌清除后, you should keep an eye on the area to make sure t在这里 is no reoccurrence. You can prevent future reoccurrences by keeping the humidity low, maintaining proper ventilation and regular cleaning. 在地下室,你应该采取 预防水浸的措施你没有不恰当地存放你的物品.

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